Friday, January 20, 2017


The strongest area is the background because it puts different mixtures and brings out the lion cub more . Furthermore , its different and you really need to look deep into it to figure out what its showing .
   The area of work I can approve on is blending the colors in , also staying inside the line and not coloring on the outside and blending the different brown mixtures together .
 The most easiest thing of the art activity is coloring the background by using the brush and coloring the colors in .
The most difficult thing about this art activity is making a 3D image into a painting and colorizing it and smoothing it out .
The materials I used was the paint brush tool that was the majority of art activity , Furthermore , I also used the move tool to put the painting in place .
The goal of this art activity was to turn a 3D image into a painting
 Next time I would take my time more and make it come out more easier to realize and make the picture more clearer .

1 comment:

  1. Effort: 1
    Edges: 1 (many gaps and spaces not filled)
    Mixer Brush Blend:1 (nothing is blended)
    Blog:0 missing, do for full credit
